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Chestburster Removal: Embryo Extractions And Failures

A Chestburster removal

The question of if it is possible to remove a chestburster before it is born has been in the series from the start. Throughout the movies and the expanded lore, there have been several successful chestburster extractions, although each have their own peculiarities.

Top 10 Aliens Crossovers

Judge Dredd vs. Aliens

The Xenomorphs have crossed over not just with the Predators, but with several other comic book characters, with most of them from the DC universe. In preparation for the upcoming Marvel crossovers, here is a ranked list of the best Aliens crossover comics.

Predators vs. Wild Animals: Lions, Tigers, Bears

A Predator fighting a bear

The Yautja don't just hunt humans and Xenomorphs. They also enjoy a more traditional against a less intelligent but powerful adversary, like a grizzly bear, mountain lion or a crocodile. These fights are often short and brutal, and the Predator does not always win.

Predators Who Lost Limbs: Wounded Yautja Who Fought On

A one-handed wounded Predator

The Predators take a lot of punishment during their hunts - they are able to endure severe wounds, even losing an arm or a leg. Some of these Yautja managed to survive and hunt another day, others fought on for a brief while and died soon after.

Xenomorph Vision: Seeing Without Eyes

A Xenomorph with eye sockets

Although the creature in Alien had eye sockets under the transparent dome, the most common Xenomorphs don't have eyes. The Alien sequels and games have given us a glimpse of the vision of the Xenomorphs, including the fisheye lens view and seeing the aura of their enemies.

Predators vs. Native Americans: A Spiritual Connection

A Predator with a Native American Skull

The upcoming Predator 5 by Dan Trachtenberg will be set hundreds of years in the past with Native Americans battling the Yautja. The Predator series has explored the connection with native Americans before, starting in the first movie and continuing in the comics with Enoch Nakai's character.

Batman vs. Predator: Yautja And Dark Knight Encounters

Batman vs. Predator

Batman has encountered Predators more than any other superhero, either by battling them alone in Gotham City or elsewhere together with Superman or the Justice League. Here is a list of the Dark Knight's notable encounters with different types of Yautja.

Predator-Human Team-Ups: Fighting Xenomorphs Together

Hunter and Warrior Predator from AvP Arcade

The Predators occasionally team up with humans due to circumstance and the need to battle against a common enemy - most often the Xenomorphs. Here is a ranking of such uneasy alliances, ordered by the magnitude of the collaborations between them.

Predators Hunting Dinosaurs: The Biggest Game

A Predator riding a Xenomorph T-Rex

Ever since the T-Rex skull appeared in the trophy case in Predator 2, it has been clear that the Yautja have hunted dinosaurs before. In the expanded universe, they faced off in Tarzan vs. Predator. This is an overview of Predators hunting dinosaurs in the Alien vs. Predator franchise, including taking trophies from T-Rex and Triceratops.

Predators vs. Alien Queens: Fights And Live Captures

The Celtic Predator, a Young Blood

Hunting and killing the Alien Queen is a great honor for the Predators and many have died doing so. It is even more useful to capture a live Queen and use her as a breeder to obtain Alien eggs. Here is a list of notable Predator vs. Alien Queen fights, including some attempts to capture her alive.

Young Blood Predators: List Of Every Unblooded Yautja

The Celtic Predator, a Young Blood

The Young Blood Predators are Yautja on their first hunts, inexperienced and wanting to prove themselves. In most cases, they hunt Xenomorphs to be blooded and often die in the process. Find out who are the most notable Young Blood Predators in the franchise and who lived to become blooded.

Predator Self-Destruct: Every Yautja Wrist Bomb Usage

A Predator Self-Destructing

The Predators use the Self-Destruct device to take our their final adversaries, to leave no technology in enemy hands, and to have an honorable death. The explosions vary in size and strength, but they are comparable to small nuclear blasts. Here is a ranking of the most notable self-destruct explosions involving the Yautja themselves or their ships.

Yautja Anatomy: Exploring The Biology Of Predators

Predator Blood

An overview of Yautja anatomy, including its blood, bones, dreadlocks, mandibles and skin. Find out how many fingers and toes the Predators have, what their dreadlocks consist of, whether their blood can neutralize Xenomorph acid and speculation of and how long do the Yautja live.

Predator vs. Engineer: Yautja Fighting Space Jockeys

Predator vs. Engineer fighting

Predators hunting and fighting a Space Jockey is a rare event in the Alien vs. Predator franchise. It is a great honor and privilege for the Predators to claim a trophy of an Engineer as they are an elusive species but also extremely tough in combat. This is a list of all known Predator and Space Jockey encounters.

Predator Hunter Teams: Humans Who Hunted Yautja

Dutchs squad from Predator

Several private and government task forces have tried to hunt down the Predators, with the aim of either capturing or killing the creatures. In most cases, they have failed miserably, with most of the team being killed and the Predator escaping capture soon after. Here is an overview of such teams, including the OWLF, Stargazer and the Reapers.

Weakest Yautja: Lazy Predators Who Failed Their Hunts

The Primal Predator, a weak Yautja

Many lists have covered the best and most badass Predators from the franchise. However, there are several Predators who have achieved very little, failed on their hunts and messed up in other ways. This is a list of the biggest Yautja failures, including the likes of Primal Predator, Shesh-Kuk and Shorty.

Underrated Predators: Lesser Known Yautja Individuals

The South China Sea Predator

The fan-favorite Predators are often the likes of Wolf, Dark, Ahab, Scarface, Dachande and the first Jungle Hunter. However, there are several other lesser known Predators who deserve the spotlight. These are the Yautja that no NECA or Hot Toys figures have been made and probably never will.

Yautja Children: Sucklings And Younglings

A Human Child with a Predator Mask

Much like the Yautja females, there is not much know about the Yautja children. There are only a few glimpses in the comics and references in the books. They begin training at an early age and keep close relations with their parents. Here is an overview of the information about the Predator children.

Top 10 Predator Crossovers

A Predator Clan from Alien vs. Predator

The Predator has crossed over with several other comic book characters, including Batman, Superman, Tarzan, Judge Dredd, and even Archie. Although the Yautja have enjoyed hunting these superheroes, they have mostly come out as losers in the end. Find out which are the best Predator crossover comics.

Predator Clans: List Of Every Yautja Tribe And Clan

A Predator Clan from Alien vs. Predator

The Predator clans are groups of Predators hunting together that are lead by a single Elder Predator. A clan usually consists of at least three Predators. Here is an overview of different Predator clans, including the famous Lost Tribe, Dark Blade Clan and the Widow Clan.

Yautja Eating Habits: Exploring The Food Of Predators

Predators enjoying eating raw meat

The Yautja are carnivorous creatures that enjoy eating raw meat during their hunts. However, when they have more time to spare on their ships or home planet, they eat cooked meals and even enjoy a ceremonial dinners. Here is an overview of Yautja eating habits from the Predator comics.

Predator vs. Predator Fights: Cases Of Yautja Conflicts

A Predator fighting another Predator

Predators fighting Predators is a rare event in the Predator franchise. It is a short and bloody fight to the death, in almost all cases using melee weapons. Usually, the fight might involve a Predator Bad Blood that needs to be taken down by a regular hunter.

Elder Predators: Every Long-Lived Yautja Leader Listed

AvP Elder Predator

The Elder Predators are the respected leaders of the clans and tribes of the Yautja. They often show up at the end of Predator stories to pay their respects to their fallen brethren. Here is a list of notable Predator Elders from the franchise, including Greyback, Nighstorm, and Lord Predator.

Combat Androids: Synthetics Fighting Xenos And Yautja

A Combat Android

In addition to human-friendly synthetics with behavioral inhibitors, several series of combat androids have been produced in the Alien series by different mega-corporations. Here is a list of androids developed for the purpose of expanding the military power of the company.

Predator King: Leader Of The Yautja Race

The Predator King

The Predator King is the mysterious millennia-old Yautja that leads several Predator clans, or perhaps the entire Yautja race. He has constructed a throne out of Xenomorph trophies. Here is a list of all known references of the Predator king, including some great fan art.

Top 10 Terminator Books

T2: Infiltrator book

In continuation of the Terminator theme in connection to the release of Terminator: Dark Fate, here is another list. There are not many Terminator books and the ones we have are very loosely connected, mainly released in trilogies or duologies. Here is a list of the best ones.

Top 10 Terminator Comics

RoboCop vs. Terminator: Kill Human

The Terminator franchise is a not so distant relative of Alien vs. Predator, being connected by writer-director James Cameron and the Aliens vs. Predator vs. Terminator comic series. In anticipation of the new Terminator movie, here is a list of the best Terminator comics.

Yautja Language Translator: Generate Predator Symbols

Yautja Language Translator from The Predator

The Yautja language is a combination of clicks and roars that is difficult for humans to understand. The language is written in symbols that are visible on the Predator's wrist gauntlet and bio-mask displays. Here is a translator that transforms English letters into the Yautja alphabet.

Predator Names Generator: Creating A Yautja Nickname

Yautja Name Generator

The Predators are not named in any of the movies. However, the Expanded Universe of books and comics feature several names both given in the Yautja language, and names translated into English. Here is an explanations for these names along with a Predator name generator.

Colonial Marine Officers: Notable USCM Commanders Listed

General Spears from Aliens: Nightmare Asylum

The Colonial Marine officers are the ones that command the troopers in the field. Unfortunately, most of them get killed and nobody hardly remembers their achievements. Here is a list of notable Colonial Marine officers from the Alien lore, including General Spears and Captain Cruz.

Greedy Mega-Corporations: Competitors Of Weyland-Yutani

The Weyland-Yutani logo

The mega-corporations have a big influence over the surveyed worlds in the Alien vs. Predator universe. They are often in an open rivalry between themselves and other world governments. Here is a list of the biggest mega-corporations, including companies like Seegson, the Grant Corporation and Weyland-Yutani.

Android Xenomorphs: Attempts To Create Robotic Aliens

Jeri, An Android Xenomorph

One of the common tropes in the Alien Expanded Universe is android Xenomorphs. They have been either created by a lone mad scientist or mass produced by some company. Here is a list of notable android Xenomorphs, including the infamous Xenoborgs and the lovable Jeri.

Captive Predators: Enslaved and Captured Yautja

A Captive Predator

Besides getting killed, the Predators are known to get captured and their technology stolen in many cases throughout the franchise. Here is a list of the most notable cases of captive Predators, with many of them being experimented on and most of them managing to escape in spectacular fashion.

Space Jockey: Every Member Of The Engineer Species

The Original Space Jockey

The Space Jockeys are the mysterious pilot species first seen in the first Alien movie. Throughout the series, there have been many iterations of them, including the Engineers from Prometheus and the Mala'kak pilots from the Alien books and comics. Here is a list of the different individual Space Jockeys, ranked by their accomplishments.

Bad Blood Predators: List Of Crazed Dishonored Yautja

A Bad Blood Predator

The bad blood Predators are Yautja who have fallen out with their clans. They have usually committed some kind of crime like killing a fellow Predator, breaking the rules of the hunt or murdering innocents. Here is a list of notable bad blood Predators from the Predator lore, ranked by the amount of carnage they inflicted.

Hish-Qu-Ten: Subspecies Of The Yautja

The Hish-Qu-Ten From Predator: Flesh and Blood

The Hish-Qu-Ten are a weird offshoot of the Yautja who first appeared in the Predator: Forever Midnight book in 2006. They are less honorable, dumber and their physiology differs from regular Yautja. The book was not well received and there have been only a few references to them in later stories.

Xenomorph Prime: Every Mission To The Alien Homeworld

Alien Homeworld from Aliens: Harvest

Xenomorph Prime is the elusive Alien Homeworld which has been shown little in the Alien games and comic books. Both humans and Predators have ventured there on different missions. Here is a list of notable occurrences of Xenomorph Prime throughout the Expanded Universe, as it has been never featured in the Alien movies.

Human Predators: List Of People Who Joined The Yautja

Machiko Noguchi - a Human Predator

The human Predators were resourceful people who donned Yautja armor and weapons. Some of them even received great respect from the Predators and become blooded. Here is a list of notable human Predators from comic books, games and movies of the franchise.

Predator Trophy Rooms: Every Yautja Trophy Wall Listed

A Predator Trophy Room

The trophy room is the pride of the Predators. There they display the trophies from their most powerful enemies as reminders of successful hunts. Here is a compilation of different Predator trophy rooms and walls from the movies, games and comic books.

Top 10 Predator Bio-Masks

Predator Bio-Masks

The bio-masks provide the Predators with protection and different vision modes. Dozens of different masks have been seen in the various Predator media. Here is a top 10 list of the best designed Predator masks from the movies, games and comic books.

Colonial Marine Weapons: List Of USCM Arsenal

The Colonial Marine Weapons

The USCM packs a big arsenal of weapons including nukes, knives, sharp sticks and phased plasma pulse rifles. Here is a list of best infantry weapons from Aliens and the Alien games, ranked by their firepower and usability against the Xenomorphs and Yautja opponents.

Predator Dogs: Yautja Hunting With Hell Hounds

Predator Dogs

The Predators have been using different types of creatures to track and weaken their prey during the hunt. In the movies and comics, the Predators have used Yautja dogs, hell hounds and even a special breed of Xenomorphs to help them hunt. Here is an overview of these creatures.

Predator Vision Modes: Seeing With And Without Masks

Predator Vision Modes, Thermal Vision

The Predators are known for their various vision modes that serve different purposes and work in different environments. The vision modes are provided by their bio-masks. Here is an overview of all the different vision modes from the Predator and Alien vs. Predator movies.

Powered Mech Suits: Protection Against Xenomorph Acid

MOX Berserker Armor

The Predator Killer mech suit in The Predator was not the first instance of weaponized mech suits being used in the Alien vs. Predator universe. We take a look at several different mech suits and power armor from the movies, games and comics and rank them by their awesomeness.

Yautja Prime: Society of the Predator Homeworld

Yautja Prime

Yautja Prime is the mysterious Predator Homeworld which has been shown little in the movies and comic books. Here is a list of all notable references to the Yautja Prime, including it's appearance in Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem and the the Predator: Homeworld comic.

Best Predator Comics: A Complete Reading Guide

Predator Comics

The Predator comics have now been released for three decades and contain some great stories. Here is a top 10 list of the best ones in descending order, including some crossover comics like Batman vs. Predator and Aliens vs. Predator.

Predator Spaceships: List Of Every Yautja Craft

Predator Spaceship

Here is a Predator spaceship overview from the Predator movies, games and comics. The Predators are known to use various types of ships with different design and capabilities. The Expanded Universe and it's crossover comics contain some rather ridiculous ship designs to enjoy.

Xenomorph King: A Rogue Leader Of The Xenomorphs

A Xenomorph King

The Xenomorph King is a special type of Alien rarely seen in the Alien lore. It is known to be bigger than the queen Alien and even more aggressive. Here is a list of all notable Xenomorph Kings like the Rogue Xenomorph, the Hybrid King and the Kenner King Alien.

Female Xenomorph: Exploring The Gender Of Aliens

A Female Xenomorph

The female Xenomorph is the big and insect-like queen Alien. However, there are some female Xenomorph hybrids or special experiments who actually have feminine features. Here is a list of all known female Xenomorphs from the Alien franchise, including unused concepts from the movies.

Top 10 Badass Colonial Marines

Vasquez in Aliens with a Smartgun

Continuing with the series of top 10 badasses, here we have a list of top 10 badass Colonial Marines from the Alien vs Predator series. They are the grunts who showed courage, killed a lot of enemies and possibly even came out alive in the end.

Top 10 Badass Aliens

Stompy from Alien: Isolation

Here we have a list of top 10 badass Aliens from the Alien vs Predator series. Included are Aliens from the movies, games and graphic novels. They are the "regular troopers" who stood out from their hive members.

Xenomorphs On Earth: History of Alien Infestations

Alien vs. Predator Arcade Game

The Aliens have invaded Earth several times during its history in the Alien vs Predator franchise. Here are listed 5 Earth invasions. The list is sorted chronologically and some of these events have been deemed non-canon.

Top 10 Mad Scientists

Aliens: Stronghold

The Alien vs Predator series has its fair share of mad scientists. Here are listed the top 10 best ones. The entrees are ranked by an elaborate algorithm based on their level of madness, charisma, the impact of their research and the quality of the source material.

Top 8 Alien Movies

Top Alien Movies

All 8 Alien movies ranked from worst to best. The list is including the Alien vs Predator and Prometheus movies. I also take a brief look at the special editions where they are available.