Yautja Dictionary: The Vocabulary Of The Predators
The Predators possess the ability to communicate using their unique Yautja language, consisting of a complex blend of clicks and roars that poses a challenge for human comprehension. This distinctive language is also visually represented through symbols displayed on the Predator's wrist gauntlet and bio-mask interface. This overview delves into the captivating lexicon of the Yautja, offering a glimpse into the vocabulary of these enigmatic beings. It contains the Yautja dictionary with the most common and often used terms in the Predator language, from weaponry to curse words.
Weapons And Armor
- Akrei-non - Explosives
- Al’Nagara - Long sword
- Awu’asa - Armor
- Bhrak-chei - Spear gun
- Chakt-ra - Smart disc
- Dah’Nagara - Short sword
- H’sai-de - Curved sword
- Ki’cti-pa/dah’kte - Wristblades
- Ki’its-pa - Retractable spear
- Sivk’va-tai - Plasma caster
- T’gou U’linja - Net gun
Names and titles:
- Aseigan - Servant
- Bakuub - Straight Spear
- Dachande - Different Knife or Broken Tusk
- Dahd’tou-di - Little Knife
- Eta - Slave
- Guan-Thwei - Night Blood
- Nihkou’te - Tooth or Tusk. Like fang
- Paya - Conquering warrior, term of respect
- Setg’in-kwei - Tricky and Quick
- Thwei Tjau’ke - Blood Stone
- Yeyinde - Brave One
- C’jit - Damn
- Ell-osde’pauk - Fuck you
- Lou-dte kalei - Child bearer, slang for females, derogatory
- Pauk-de - Fucker or fucking
- Pauk - Fuck
- S’yuit-de - Shit
- Tarei’hasan - Unworthy opponent, insect
- Dtai’kai-dte sa-de nau’gkon dtain’aun bpi-de - The fight that began would not end until the end.
- M-di H’chak/M-di H’dlak - No mercy, no fear.
- Payas leijin-de hma’mi-de - Remember god’s practice.
- Thar’n-dha s’yin’tekai - Strength and honor.
- Thin-de le’hasuan ‘aloun’myin-del bpi-de gka-de hasou-de paya - Learn the gifts of all sights or finish in the dance of the fallen gods.
Other creatures:
- Kainde Amedha - Hard Meat, Xenomorph.
- Pyode Amedha - Soft Meat, human.
- Ooman - Human
- Zabin - Insect
Gods, goddesses and supernatural stuff:
- Bhu’ja - Ghost.
- Cetanu - God of death, the Black Warrior, the Destroyer.
- Dto-hult’ah - God of agriculture.
- Guan Nrak’ytara - Goddess of dreams.
- Ju’dha-sain’ja - God of water, the flood and time.
- Kayana - Goddess of war, fire, passionate emotions such as rage.
- Lil-ka - Goddess of life, the Mother, the Avenger.
- Mab’ii’tang - Immortal hero punished by the gods for demanding that which was not his to demand.
- Mara’khen - God of storms and craftsmen.
- The Horde - Kayana’s demonic, twisted children, numbering in the thousands.
Other Phrases:
- Agaj’ya - Realm.
- Bpi-de - End, finish.
- Ch’hkt-a - Hyperactive, nervous energy.
- Chiva - Trial.
- Chi’ytei - Embrace.
- C’ntlip - Type of alcoholic drink.
- Dekna - Eye.
- Dha-viath - Disaster.
- Dhi’ki-de - Sleep near death, coma.
- Dhi’rauta - Cunning.
- D’lex - Super strong metallic material.
- Dtai’k-dte - Fight.
- Dteinou - Messenger.
- Dto - Forest.
- D’yeka - Ultimate prey.
- Ell-osde - You.
- Gahn’tha-cte - Ruthless.
- Gkaun-yte - Hello.
- Gkei’moun - Easy.
- Gkin-mara - Video camera.
- Gkin-maru - Ship sensors.
- Gry’sui-bpe - Stampede.
- Guan - Night.
- Halkrath - Shadow.
- H’chak - Mercy.
- H’dlak - Fear.
- H’dui’se - Smell, scent or odor.
- Hiju - Battle stance, proper stance for disemboweling an opponent.
- H’ka-se - Now.
- Hulij-bpe - Crazy.
- Hult’ah - Rear guard, observer or look out.
- Ikthala - Cataclysm.
- Ikthya-de - Umbra.
- Jehdin Jehdin - Hand to hand combat, one, alone.
- Jkiu - Report location.
- Ju’dha - Water.
- Kainde Amedha Chiva - Hard Meat Trial, Blooding hunt.
- Kantra - Prayer.
- Ka’rik’na - The summoning of other Yautja.
- Ka’torag-na - Lurking.
- Kehrite - Battle/practice area.
- Kha’bj-te - Maniac, restless.
- Ki’cte - Enough.
- Kiloun - Wood.
- Ki’sei - I agree, I understand.
- Kjuhte - Void.
- Kuj’hade - Destroyer.
- Kv’var-de - Hunter.
- Kv’var - Exercises, katas or hunts.
- Kwei - Tricky or sly.
- Lar’ja - Dark.
- Luar-ke - Moon.
- Mar’cte - Killer.
- M-di/H’ko - No.
- Mei’hswei - Brother.
- Mei-jahdi - Sister.
- Mesh’in’ga - The battle dreamtime or battle lust.
- Mi - Fuel, oil.
- Nain-de - Hunt.
- Nain-desintje-da - The Pure Win, absolute victory.
- Nan-ku - Alive.
- Na’tauk - Salute.
- Naxa - Fruit.
- N’dhi-ja - Bye.
- N’dui’se - Yautja musk.
- N’-ithya - Earth.
- N’jauka - Welcome.
- Nracha-dte - Relentless.
- Nrak’ytara - Guardian.
- N’ritja - Dance.
- N’yaka-de - Master.
- P’kya’uha - Sniper.
- R’ka - Fire.
- Sain’ja - Warrior.
- Sei’i - Yes.
- Setg’in - Deadly and quick.
- S’pke - Fruit stew.
- Syra’yte - Head.
- Te’dqi - Xenomorph resin or slime.
- Than-guan - Midnight.
- Tharn-dha - Strength.
- Thei-de - Dead, die.
- Th’syra - Skull.
- Thwei - Blood.
- Tjau’ke - Stone, rock.
- Tyioe-ti - Escape pod.
- U’darahje - Abomination.
- Ui’stbi - Geography.
- U’sl-kwe - Final rest.
- Vayuh’ta - Air.
- Vor’mek’ta - Stalker.
- Yeyin - Brave.
- Yin’tekai - Honor.
- Zazin - Totally centered.
- Z’skuy-de - Convulsions, spasm, birth of Xenomorph from host.
In wrapping up our look at the Yautja Dictionary, we've uncovered a glimpse into the complex world of these fearsome Predators. From their weaponry and titles to their intense swears and phrases, we've seen how their language is intertwined with the Yautja culture and way of life. It's clear that the Yautja are more than just hunters; they are a people with a deep code of honor and a unique connection to the universe. This linguistic journey has allowed us to better understand their world and the intriguing blend of ruthlessness and honor that defines them.
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